The Key to Immunity

written by Emma Tellett

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Our best defence against Coronavirus, besides from a vaccine, is to have a strong and healthy immune system.

I am a naturopathic nutritional therapist and I want to share with you some tips to optimise your immune system as I explore psychological, hormonal, nutritional and environmental factors that influence immunity.

So that when you DO come across this nasty antigen, your body is primed and ready. We should all be striving to be our strongest for ourselves, our families, the wider community and the NHS.

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition”
Thomas Edison


It is essential to maintain a healthy inflammatory response as a pro-inflammatory state can interfere with the body’s natural defences. Poor food and lifestyle choices can exacerbate a pro-inflammatory state.

Many of us have low grade inflammation going on that we don’t know about (yet) and this has been hypothesised as a potential reason why some people are getting Covid-19 worse than others.

  • Omega 3 - a healthy omega 3 to omega 6 ratio helps to uphold a healthy inflammatory response. Omega 3 foods include seeds, whole wheat foods, oily fish (SMASHT – salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, herring, trout) cruciferous veg (cabbage, broccoli, sprouts etc) and eggs.
  • Sugar - a massive driver for inflammation and the biggest endocrine disruptor out there. The endocrine system controls ALL hormones which are essentially chemical messengers in the body, controlling EVERYTHING. If you’re anything like me, you have well and truly fallen off the sugar wagon over Christmas and can ‘feel’ it.
  • Stress - releases chemical signals which have the potential to interfere with natural defences. Sleep and relaxation/joy are essential in maintaining a healthy immune response. Yoga is the perfect practice for reducing stress!


Gut / Digestive System

Many people don’t realise how crucial the gut and digestive system is in providing immunity, in fact 70% of our immunity is found in our gut. It is the largest MASS of immune cells in the body so it is vital we take care of it.

The lining of the gut contains something called secretory IgA – an antibody. sIgA acts a bit like an antiseptic paint in the lining of the gut neutralising pathogens ‘including viruses’ – it can be significantly reduced if you are stressed, making the wrong food choices or have an imbalance of gut bacteria.

Personally, I think the answer is pretty simple. A diverse range of whole, fresh, organic food in a varied range of colours. Gut bacteria feed on natural fibre producing something called SCFA (short chain fatty acids) which are the main source of energy for your cells. Fibre is ONLY found in natural foods, it is NOT found in processed foods.

  • A diet rich in fruit, veg, wholegrains and legumes is the best way to maintain a healthy microbiome.

  • Sugars, saturated fats and processed foods are not only empty calories they feed pathogenic, opportunistic bacteria and yeast making your gut more susceptible to the less desirable strains. These can then produce their own toxins called endotoxins which themselves can initiate an immune response.

  • Beta Glucans can activate macrophage immune cells that literally ‘engulf’ pathogens. Foods that are high in beta-glucans include; shitake mushrooms, quinoa, barley, chia seeds, oats, cacao and seaweed.


Immune Supporting Supplements

Antioxidants are FUNDAMENTAL to good health but especially in these current times. Oxidative stress is caused by stress, bad food choices, smoking, drinking, drugs, lack of exercise, over exercising etc.

  • Vitamin C is recommended to supplement at a high dose daily for covid-19 protection. Oranges etc simply won’t cut the mustard – an orange contains approx. 60mg of vit C and adults should be consuming approx 1000mg 3 x per day. That’s A LOT of oranges!! This is one I would eat AND supplement.

  • Vitamin D is the most important mediator in our immune system and it is central to a healthy immune response. The main source is sunlight, only TINY amounts are found in foods such as eggs, butter, oily fish etc. Adults should be taking AT LEAST 3000IU/60mcg per day through the winter and I would highly recommend asking your doctor for a test.

  • Quercitin is a plant flavonoid and is the MOST used supplement in the prevention and recovery from Covid-19 – it helps acute lung cell damage and works against an enzyme that allows the virus to proliferate. I recommend taking 900mg twice a day.

  • Ginger and garlic are both extremely antiviral so use them in anything. Steeping lemon and ginger and sipping throughout the day is not only beneficial to keep the virus at bay but as I am sure many have heard – the virus appears to cause the breathing difficulties when it enters the lungs. Sipping hot drinks throughout the day helps to prevent this.


Interested in finding out more?

If you would like to find out more, please do visit my website, I would love to hear from you.

I am also able to supply practitioner quality supplements from my dispensary and have them sent straight to your address.

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Written by Emma Tellett and published on Monday 25th January 2021 at 12:00

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