Give Yourself a Hug!

written by Daphne Bath

Photo of the author

January 21st is National Hugging Day, an annual event dedicated to hugging.

Well, many of us are not able to give a hug to anybody for one reason or another.

But what we can do is HUG OURSELVES. Known as HUGASANA in Yoga .

Try a short five-minute meditation to give yourself some SELF LOVE.

Settle down for 5 minutes, perhaps close your eyes and start to be aware of your breath and wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a hug.

Many of us are full of self-criticism and judgement but on National Hugging day we can learn to love ourselves a little bit more.

Whilst hugging yourself recall all the good deeds you have done in the past, small or large. Then remember all the kindness you have offered to others, and finally, reflect on all the things you like about yourself either physically or emotionally, all the great qualities that make you unique.

Enjoy your hugging day

Photo of the author

Written by Daphne Bath and published on Saturday 16th January 2021 at 10:00

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