Sunday 28th July 5pm - 7pm

Down the Rabbit Hole: Yin Yoga Immersion

with Jamie John

A darkened burrow, dappled by candlelight; warm, comforting and restful...

In deeply restorative surroundings, surrender your body to the stillness of Yin yoga with long, sleepy holds. Time slips away, aches and pains dissolve into the distance and a feeling of wellness arises.

Each monthly workshop sees a curation of breath-work, seasonal inspiration, fragrance, meditation, sound and spoken word. Yin Yoga works as acupressure to focus on connective tissues, organs and deep fascia stretches. Bring a cosy extra layer for your ultimate comfort.

Everybody is welcome to tumble down the Rabbit Hole...

Photo of the workshop teacher, Jamie John

Meet Jamie

Exercise has always been an integral part of my life: weight training, running, swimming and martial arts, but nothing captured me like Yoga.

A combination of stretches to deeply relax, remedy exercise injuries and bad postural habits coupled with strength building yoga poses and simply time and space to breathe seemed to be the perfect mix for a healthy balanced, active life.

After years of practice and exploring many styles of yoga, I trained at the Sun Power Yoga School in Turkey and have begun to invest a life in the ancient art of Yoga and Meditation.

Yoga is a way of life on and off the mat and sharing my practice teaching others has become my passion. Having had many teachers from different schools of yoga I'm now a member of the yoga Alliance USA and the British wheel of yoga and able to offer a wide variety of styles.

I truly believe that everybody can benefit from yoga and over time build a strong and beautiful body and spirit.